Monday, 25 March 2013

PA/SA Direct Recruitment Examination STUDY MATERIAL

Act under british rule
Banking sector
Chapater I  Postal Volume V
Computer  terms
Confusing words  in English
Indian  constitution
Indian  constitution
Consumer Protection Act
Important  Dates   in  indian constitution
Who invented /discovered
Famous Indian  leaders born on
General  English  rare words
General  Knowledge
General  Knowledge
General  Knowledge
General  Knowledge
General  Knowledge
General  Knowledge
Government Services
FHB Question no  1 -175
Indian  constitution
Law and  Constitution
Indian  Constitution
PO  Guide
Basic  Information  Postal  department
General  Knowledge
FHB   Question  197 -211
RTI  Act 
Questions  related with space
The  great birth  and  death
Who is  who 
Indian  Postal  service  turning  points


  1. This is a nice way to collectively present study material to the students and it will surely help the studnets to save lots of time needed to be invested in looking for different types of materials over different websites. It will allow getting all the stuff needed at same place reducing the time and effort and provide good information at one place only.

  2. Thanks AIEEE Solutions...
    We Are looking forward for these type of benefits from this blog.
